III Iberoamerican Congress of Neuromarketing

III Iberoamerican Congress of Neuromarketing

Thematic areas

Table 1. Neuromarketing and consumer behavior. (Noemí Martín García / noemicarmen.martin @uva.es )

Consumer behavior before brand stimuli (product, packaging, communication, etc.). Study of cases.

Table 2. Sensory and experiential marketing. (Raquel Ayestarán Crespo / ayestaranraquel@gmail.com)

Analysis of consumer experiences in the physical and digital channel.

Table 3. Biometrics, software and methodological validation (David Juárez Varón / djuarez @upv.es )

Study and validation of equipment, software and methodologies.

Table 4. Synergies of neuroscience with other disciplines and Miscellaneous (Lara González Diez /lara.gonzalez.diaz@uva.es )

Neuromanagement, Neuroeducation, etc.