III Iberoamerican Congress of Neuromarketing
Job submission
The necessary information regarding the required documentation is detailed below.
How should the Abstracts be? Abstract Template (download)
The first step to be carried out by the author or authors is to send the ABSTRACT of their communication. Thedeadline for sending said ABSTRACTs is until April 30, 2023, and they must have a maximum length of 300words, indicating the TITLE OF THE COMMUNICATION, NAME OF THE AUTHOR OR AUTHORS, UNIVERSITY OR RESEARCH CENTER to which they belong and EMAIL.
Format: WORD. Source: Arial 11 letter. You can download the ABSTRACT model in WORD format and workdirectly on it at this LINK .
To send the ABSTRACT of the work, scroll down in this section.
After the evaluation by the Scientific Committee of the Congress, the authors whose papers are accepted willreceive an invitation via email to send the final version of their communications, which must be adapted tothe editorial standards of the Congress.
How should the final works be? Jobs Template (download)
Proposals and complete communications may be written in SPANISH and ENGLISH. Likewise, 6 keywords orKeywords that are directly related to the communication must be indicated.
Maximum length of communications: 6,000 words, abstracts and bibliographical references included.
Format: WORD. Source: Arial 11 letter. You can download the FINAL COMMUNICATION model in WORD formatand work directly on it at this LINK .
To senf the FINAL WORK, scroll down this section.
The FINAL communications or presentations must follow the following format:
The upper and lower margins will be 2.5 cm, while the sides will be 3 cm. (Word default margins). The pageswill be numbered in the lower right corner.
Under the title (three spaces): name and surname of the authors , affiliation institution and email (each data on a different line). All this in Arial size11 centered and single spacing. The author’s name will be used in bold. At the end of the communication (in note format) there must be a brief CV of the author/s (maximum 150 words per CV), including city and country.
Next (two spaces) the abstract (maximum 300 words) and keywords (maximum 6) will be included in Arial, size 11, justified on both sides and single spacing. The expressions “abstract” and “key words” will be in bold. Both paragraphs must be repeated below in English.
The body of the manuscripts, separated with two spaces from the keywords, will be written in Arial, body 11, single spacing, spacing between paragraphs 12 points (without double “intro”), justified to the left and right, without tabs.
All papers will include at least the following headings as presentation structure: 1. Theoretical Framework, 2. Methodology, 3. Results, 4. Discussion and Conclusions, 5. Bibliographical References.
The headings of the article will be numbered manually (NOT automatic Word numbering) and in Arabic, with a maximum of three levels, in Arial, size 12, centered and according to these examples regarding the use of capital letters and bold: 1. FIRST HEADING, 1.1. Second epigraph, 1.1.1. Third epigraph. The extension of these epigraphs will be a maximum of two lines, although preferably one.
The tables, graphs and images will be included in the text, numbered in Arabic and with a title at the top and source at the bottom; both in Arial, size 10, centered. The graphs and tables will always be inserted in image format (JPG), never in formats that allow their editing, they will not exceed the editing margins of the rest of the document (to prevent them from being cut offwhen printing) and the texts they include must also be in Arial, with a legible font size.
The textual citations will be included in the text, between quotation marks (without italics) and indicating the source in Harvard format: (Name and surname of the author, year: page). If the quote has 40 words or more, it is included in a separate paragraph, in Arial 11, without quotation marks, without italics and indented to the left of 3 cm.
Notes should be limited to the maximum, located at the bottom of the page, numbered consecutively in Arabic, with Arial font, size 9, justified to the left.
For everything not specified in these standards, as well as for the configuration of the bibliographic references , the provisions of the APA (American Psychological Association) standards will be followed . In the case of the bibliography, the text will be justified to the left, the links, if any, will appear activated and the examples indicated in the following section will also be taken into account. Among the bibliographical references, only those cited in the text of the communication will be included.
Cancellation policy: Until June 1, 2023. Only 80% of the fee can be refunded.