III Iberoamerican Congress of Neuromarketing
The Polytechnic University of Valencia, in collaboration with the University of Valladolid (Campus María Zambrano, Segovia), have the honor of organizing the “III Iberoamerican Congress of Neuromarketing (CIN):User experience in physical and digital environments”, which will be will be held on June 29 and 30, 2023, in PRESENTIAL AND ONLINE format. The reception stage will be the Universitat Politècnica de València on thesecond floor of the Nexus Building, from June 29 and 30, 2023.
The Organizing and Scientific Committee once again assumes the challenge of organizing this third edition,which already constitutes a benchmark for professionals and researchers in the sector. Specialists from different Iberoamerican countries dedicated to the study of Neuromarketing, as well as academics andprofessionals from Spain and other European countries, have agreed to be part of this initiative to show usthe latest in the discipline, exposing new avenues of research and application to the fields of the UserExperience.
The main purpose is thus to give rise to the exchange and dissemination of the latest academic,methodological and technological advances that may be very useful for professionals in the areas ofmarketing, communication, digital marketing and consumer behavior, among others, putting on the tabledevelopments in the world of neuromarketing.
In this way, the III Iberoamerican Congress of Neuromarketing is established once again as a point ofreference in quality, versatile and coherent training for all those interested in specializing in the discipline andlearning about its different applications in the labor market. For this, we will have participants from many different countries, Latin American and European. We believe in diversity as an essential pillar from which toshed more light on each of the topics addressed: Consumer Behavior, Experiential and Sensory Marketing, Bigdata, Software, Methodologies and Technologies, Neuromarketing Synergies and other disciplines. It is about creating a breeding ground around Neuromarketing and enriching it as much as possible with eachcontribution of the participants.
The dissemination of advances in the field of academic research, as well as real success stories and experiences that we will hear from professionals and market experts, will be an unparalleled opportunity forteachers, professionals and researchers to share and enjoy a collective and unique teaching-learningexperience while contributing to the expansion and dissemination of frontier knowledge in Neuromarketing.
The period for sending communications proposals is now open. All academics and researchers from anyuniversity and independent, interested in any of the areas related to the main axis of the Congress, Neuromarketing, may participate in the III Ibero-American Congress of Neuromarketing.
Proposals for abstracts or ABSTRACTS must be sent through the REGISTRATION section until May 10,2023. Maximum length of 300 words. Proposals and complete communications may be written in Spanish and English.
After sending ABSTRACTS, they will be evaluated by the Congress Evaluation Committee. After this, theauthors whose papers are accepted may participate in the Congress, sending the final version of their communications, which must be adapted to the editorial standards, which can be consulted in the PAPER SUBMISSION tab . It is essential that at least one of the authors of the communication register and enroll inthe Congress, a requirement that must also be met by people who wish to participate ONLINE in it.
Curriculaar merits
To disseminate the different works and contributions of the participants in this third edition of the “Ibero-American Neuromarketing Congress” the most relevant articles presented selected byt he Scientific Committee, may opt for publication in a journal with Scopus Q4 indexing.
The best papers, selected by the Scientific Committee, may choose to be published in a journal with JCR Q2 indexing.
All papers that pass a blind peer review process will be eligible to have their work published in book chapterformat.
Minute book
All papers that pass a blind peer review process will be eligible to have their work published in book chapterformat.
The Scientific Committee of the Congress will notify the authors of its decision on the relevance or not of fullypublishing their papers according to the different options described above and during the days after thecongress (check key dates). It will be the authors who, if so, must transfer to the organization their agreementand irrevocable commitment to do so within the times and deadlines set for this purpose.
Important dates
- Opening Submission of abstracts
- End submission of abstracts
- Abstract evaluation
- End of sending communication
April 1, 2023
May 10, 2023
Until May 10, 2023
June 10, 2023
Congress Location – Nexus Building